Thursday, February 12, 2015

Street Art as Satire

Unknown. "All Those Shapes." All Those Shapes. Unknown, n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2015.

    I found this picture using the simplest method that I could of: I went on Google images and typed in, “satirical street art”, and boom images started popping up left and right. Amazing right? I know. Out of all the images that popped up, this one stood out to me the most. I laughed at first because it reminds of that Pinocchio commercial: “Did you know that Pinocchio was a bad motivational speaker?” Now let me be honest, I have no idea what this picture is about, or what it is relating to; but I can obviously tell that it is satirical.

       Call me an idiot, but I don’t even know who the guy in the picture is. I like his suit though, it fits him nicely: I own a couple of those myself.  Now if I had to guess, I’d say that the guy in the picture is some type of leader; but not just a leader, he’s a leader that lies a lot. Looks like I’m getting somewhere here. He’s probably Hitler’s younger brother or something of that nature.

       The cool thing about satirical street art, or satire in general, is that different people break down the meaning in their own way. For example, my interpretation of this might be totally different from someone else’s. To me, the picture portrays a lying leader; but someone else could be like, “Kervain bro you’re a savage, that guy in the suit is obviously a WWE wrestler.” And a third person could jump into the conversation and say, “You’re both freaking ridiculous, the little guy in the picture is obviously an alien porn star, don’t you see how long his nose is?” I guess the point I’m trying to make here is that we all have our different views on satire.

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