Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Making My Street Art

     Warning! To anyone reading this right now, I want you to know that I am not an artist in any way, shape, or form. Now this piece of drawing you see on the concrete is something that I drew to represent the novel “I am not Sydney poitier”. If you look at the drawing it is easy to see that this guy is an African American: you can also see that he has an afro, and his red shirt had the letters “Black” on them. The most important about the drawing is the handcuff that you see on his hands (the little circles with the line attached to them).
     This drawing is supposed to represent the main character of the novel, which is Sydney. The inspiration for this painting came from the scene when Sydney got pulled over and arrested because he was driving a car that was considered “too good” to him to be driving. Why was it considered “too good” for him to be driving? The answer is simple: because he is black. Because he is an African American.
     The scene when Sydney got stopped by the police stuck with me because it shows just how looked down upon African Americans are. Someone might say that this is just a book and that does not happen in real life but I beg to differ. Although this book is based in the more racist stages of America, I feel as if there’s still a lot of judge mental people out there. Then again I can’t even blame them because a lot of African American males do tend to act
     This painting isn’t here to as a message that white people are bad, because I love white people. I have a lot of white friends; but rather it is there to remind us that even though we’re not in chains anymore, things still are not equal in America.

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